Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Farm

Today we spent the last remaining hours with our gorgeous friends from Western Australia, Emily and Nick before they headed back West.

Nick, originally from Stawell, and Em, from Margaret River, invited us to spend some time with family and friends to celebrate their recent Engagement!  I'm so excited! Not only does this mean a return trip to the West for a wedding in beautiful Busselton, but Em has asked me to be her bridesmaid! Not often do I get to attend a wedding without a camera in my hand...

Again, my photographs feature my precious babes, Tynan and Maeve.  They loved the farm. Riding the John Deer mower, searching for fairies in the Enchanted Garden and picking and devouring the fresh fruit and vegetables.

In fact, I've just dished and eaten the yummiest dinner made with the fresh ingredients from the farm. Perhaps I should have taken a photograph, but it really didn't last long!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mission 2012

A long suffering blog, long neglected due to the realms of Facebook.  I am determine to kick start it back into action, and what better way than to take up the "photo a day" for the month of January challenge.  I'm a bit behind the eight ball due to some lovely visitors filling our new home, so I'm going to cheat a little today :)

Here they are, my beautiful babies, Tynan & Maeve :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A short tour down an old dirt track, led me to one of the most beautiful wedding locations I have ever seen... Memsie Winery, Bridgewater.
A beautiful old homestead as the backdrop for the sweetest marriage ceremony, green lush gardens, incredible sheds and buildings, a long winding driveway lined with gorgeous trees, and of course, a vineyard. All made even more spectacular by a gorgeous couple, Kate and Aaron.
Who would have thought when I looked down at that beautiful baby girl all those years ago, that I would some day have the honour of photographing her as a stunning bride on her wedding day! Katie, you looked amazing!

Thank you to you both for allowing me to share in your lovely day.